All Saint’s Theatre Youth

All Saint’s Theatre Youth

We are so pleased to be bringing a dedicated youth section to our society, with our very own summer theatre workshop this August!! From September, we will be providing weekly sessions that will culminate in a full production to showcase everything that the children...
My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady

Quite possibly one of the most famous classic musicals to grace the stage and screen, My Fair Lady is one of the most beloved musicals of all time. Join us at The Met in Bury this summer to watch Eliza’s story unfold, as she goes from a gaudy, cockney flower...
Christmas Festivities 2021

Christmas Festivities 2021

This year we are holding an intimate Christmas get together. A festive play and a raucous concert, a mince pie or two and a warming drink is just what’s needed this winter. We would love to wish you all a Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in...
Abigail’s Party

Abigail’s Party

Abigail’s Party is a play for stage and television, devised and directed in 1977 by Mike Leigh. It is a suburban situation comedy of manners, and a satire on the aspirations and tastes of the new middle class that emerged in Britain in the 1970s Buy...

Clueless Cluedo – The Lockdown Mystery

After months of being in lockdown and having numerous online society quizzes and virtual get togethers, we are back doing what we love with this brain scratching mystery. Join our group of Cluedo lovers for their weekend convention of finding out whodunnit. Will our...
Pirates of Penzance

Pirates of Penzance

The story concerns Frederic, who, having completed his 21st year, is released from his apprenticeship to a band of tender-hearted pirates. He meets the daughters of Major-General Stanley, including Mabel, and the two young people fall instantly in love. Frederic soon...